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Health Telematics Science Institute

KTU Health Telematics Science Institute creates and develops radically innovative non-invasive technologies for industrial measurements, physiological measurements and biophysical processes monitoring which are recognized globally.

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Our mission
To protect our inventions through strong patents of the USA, the EU and Japan and to transfer intellectual property to Lithuanian economic entities, the partners of the Institute, to produce high-tech equipment in Lithuania and to export it abroad.
To constantly maintain and grow our effective partner network in the EU, the USA, Canada, Australia, China, Singapore, India, Malaysia, and other countries.
To constantly initiate and provide to the US and EU funding bodies applications for large scale R&D projects.

Our vision
Unique international leader in the field of measurement and monitoring of physical and biological processes, research institute that develops radically innovative non-invasive industrial and physiological measurements and process monitoring technologies.

Our values
The technological development of innovative patented biomedical diagnostics and monitoring systems (innovative brain physiological monitoring technologies) by creating new productive scientific knowledge.


Mantas Deimantavičius, DSc

Mantas Deimantavičius, DSc

Yasin Hamarat, DSc

Yasin Hamarat, DSc

Senior Researcher
Laimonas Bartušis, DSc

Laimonas Bartušis, DSc

Head of laboratory, Senior Researcher
Arminas Ragauskas, Prof., DSc, FBC, FLSHD

Arminas Ragauskas, Prof., DSc, FBC, FLSHD

Vytautas Petkus, DSc

Vytautas Petkus, DSc

Head of laboratory, Chief Researcher
Romanas Chomskis

Romanas Chomskis

Solventa Krakauskaitė, DSc

Solventa Krakauskaitė, DSc

Project Senior Researcher

Edvinas Chaleckas, DSc


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